What makes the Illinois Council Of Police (ICOPs) different from other organizations that have members who are law enforcement officers? ICOPs is a Union of law enforcement professionals, run by law enforcement officers with the experience, know-how and commitment to get the job done. 

Our Legal Plan is the best protection available to Police Officers in Illinois, even if they aren't a member of an ICOPs chapter. You get immediate backup with the ICOPs Legal Plan.

In jurisdictions throughout northern Illinois, hundreds of Police Officers and civilians represented by ICOPs attorneys have won successful settlements in job-related disciplinary matters. ICOPs Union Contracts are among the best in the field and we have negotiated contracts with significant pay raises and improvements in benefits for our members. Contracts include comprehensive provisions on job security, seniority, hours and conditions of work, grievance handling, and health and safety.

Contract Grievances;
Unlike other Unions, ICOP’s and our attorneys still write, file and follow up on the time limits through each stage of a grievance.

The ICOPs officers and staff work closely with ICOPs members to negotiate contracts in a professional and timely manner. After a contract is negotiated, ICOPs stays on top of it to ensure that management fully adheres to the contract. As an Illinois police union, we are ready, willing, and able to represent you in contract negotiations, contract enforcement, internal investigations, and grievances. In order to do that, ICOPs must be designated as your certified Union representative.

Please contact the Illinois Council of Police office for Collective Bargaining Authorization Cards to begin the process of making ICOPs your Union of choice. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us at (630) 832-6772 or contact us via the web.