The Illinois Council of Police has improved the service to members who rely on our 24-hour emergency line. This line is vital to ICOPs members involved in a critical incident and in need of immediate union assistance. 

As ICOPs prides itself on providing the best service to our members, our staff sought out a better way to operate our emergency line. Now, when a member calls the emergency line, multiple employees phones ring simultaneously. A member can be connected with ICOPs instantly to begin providing legal backup. In the event the caller leaves a message, all ICOPs staff and attorneys are notified via email of the message. 

Previously, the ICOPs emergency line could only ring to a single employee's phone. That call would only alert the staff member to a request via the emergency line. The employee would then have to call in to retrieve the message.  This is the way most unions still operate.

We are excited to continue to offer the best service to our members employees and continue to push our representation of our members forward.